From the Board of Angels Castle
Green Campus Update
We will give our supporters regular updates on the development and construction of our Angels Castle’s Campus.
First, we want to acknowledge that Angels Castle has been fortunate to find a future home at a rare natural space of amazing beauty in the middle of Cincinnati with access to major highways, sport and cultural venues and everything else the tristate area of the Queen City has to offer, including easy access to airports in Cincinnati, Northern KY, Indianapolis, Dayton and Columbus that will connect efficiently Angels Castle to the rest of the Country.
Our twenty acres Campus is crossed by a creek that we will bring back to its original beauty. We are not planning to improve Nature but the site will be cleaned from years of receiving trash, nothing major, but still unpleasant.
We are working with the Administration Department of Springfield Township in Hamilton County to obtain the appropriate permits to build our Campus. The next step will happen in early 2022 when Angels Castle will present to the Zoning Commission and Board of Trustees a detailed Final Development Plan.
Once the Plan is approved Angels Castle will schedule a Ground Breaking Ceremony and everyone will be invited. Construction will take whatever time necessary to deliver an environmentally friendly Green Campus that all of us will be proud of, and of course, within budget and on time.
We have assembled a team of designers, engineers, landscapers and environmental experts to build our Dream Campus. We want a Green structure using environmentally friendly materials integrated for sustainability from design, to construction, to upkeep and, to potential renovation. The result should be a Campus that requires fewer resources, produces less waste, uses less fossil fuel and more solar energy and is less expensive to maintain resulting in reduced operating costs. We will apply for Certification as a Green Building to show compliance with sustainable standards and to prove that Angels Castle’s Green credentials are solid.
Follow us in our journey to build a Green Campus.